Until“Kojiki(古事記・AD620)”, we had no historical record in Japan. Only through Chinese and Korean chronicles, we can envisage the image of the ancient time of our country.
According to the Chinese chronicle titled “Sanguo Zhi(三国志 Records of Three Kingdoms・AD297)”, the inhabitants of the Japanese islands, who were called “Wa(倭)”, were a fragmented political structure of more than a hundred or more separate tribes. The head of the allied country was called Yamataikoku(邪馬台国) and the country was ruled by a female shaman, Queen Himiko(卑弥呼).
Where was Yamataikoku? Who was Himiko? These questions have been the most controversial and emotional debates on the ancient Japanese history.
Mr.Jugo Kuroiwa, a famous writer about the history of ancient Japan, supported the opinion that Yamataikoku was located in Northern Kyushu. If it were located there, there could be a possibility that Na(奴) which was formed by the Azumi-tribe was included in the allied countries.
Mr.Kuroiwa also pointed out that the descendents of Himiko moved to Kinki from Northern Kyushu and participated in establishing the Reign of Yamato.